
Friday, March 11, 2011

An Update 6: Infinite circle

Such depressing stories for a friday. Such an horrible earth quakes for Japan. By coincidence or not, I almost witnessed two devasting events that happend to Japan. One is the BBC documentary regarding the nuclear bombing in 1945, another with the earthquake. The feeling has been mingled and failed, and my mind started to spin, like any other odd self depercating patheic human being, I resorted to thinking.
It begin with the Hiroshima and Nagasake, the most over used and precise question arises and asked:" was it justified." And so does the puzzle begin. It may never be justified, for the people of Hiroshima and Nagasake was annilated, completed crushed as we witnessed what was the finest and quickest killing machine that human being ever invented yet opened its jaws. It was only a couple seconds until there was Hiroshima and Nagaske no more, still the radiation spreaded, and cuts into people's hearts and stayed there.
But it was justified. The emperor of Japan and army would not surrender and the allies was prepared for a full scale invasion that will cost millions of casualities and many more on the Japanese. If we become so heartless and compare the sheer of number of lives the bomb "saved." We maybe at GAIN. If we are only so heartless. But we can not compare lives to lives, one human being's worth to another. The bomb might really saved millions of people of lives, but it destroyed many others.
So blame it on Japan's emperor for refusal to surrender, blame it on U.S. for dropping the bomb. You know what, let's blame it on the war. Well, the war started with Hitler, let's blame him. Hitler just wanted power, so blame the inperfect human conditions and faults we have. Then it goes on to what shaped us and how it shaped us as human beings, so blame society. Now it became a endless vortex that questions our existence and cause of suffering. Then Japan was crushed under the earthquake, the circle never ends.

Now the heads has been filled with ever so pessmistic thoughts and yet I did not lose it. I am still hopeful. I pray for Japan and it's people to deal with earthquakes, I pray for the lives of many others. Under the dire conditions that we have here on earth, I only can hope that we do not waste any second of our lives which seemed so fragile. I guess, prayer, is the best I can do right now.

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